Wednesday, June 27, 2007

I have been tagged

I filled this out awhile ago, but I wanted to give my other posts some breathing space.

I've been tagged

jobs that I've held...
1. Sams club, cart boy, Tires and electronics
2. Davis county mental health (baby sitter)
3. Taco time
4. Babbages (EB games)

Movies I Can Watch Over and Over....
1. Fight Club
2. The Royal Tenenbaums
3. Lord of the Rings any 3
4. Breakfast club.

Places I've Lived....
1. Layton
2. West Virginia (Several Cities and Towns)
3. Virginia
4. New Jersey

T.V. Shows I Enjoy...
1. The Sopranos
2. Lost
3. The Office
4. Dirty Jobs

Places I Have Been On Vacation...
1. Oregon
2. Canada
3. California (Disney land sucks)
4. Las Vegas

Favorite Foods...
1. Burgers
2. hot dogs
3. Sandwiches
4. ABC chicken

Websites I Visit Frequently...
1. IMDB (its my other, other bible)
2. Joystic
4. blogger

Places I'd Rather Be Right Now...
1. Utah
2. Fishing with my dad
3. New Zealand
4. Scrooge Mcducks money bin

blogger buddies to tag...
1. Gats
2. Jenn
3. Liz.
4. I am all done


Unknown said...

The Money Bin, that is awesome!

Jeff said...

There nothing I would rather do then steal that old duck blind.

Anonymous said...

taco time! i love it-the veggie burrito is my favorite! i guess i got might take me a while...

Matsby said...

If you would rather be in Utah, then come back! You can stay with me...

Jeff said...

Sweet Gats. Can I expect pancakes and eggs each morning? I will also need a high paying job. Wait Do you want me to become the next Gats. I am honored... But I am not funny.

Matsby said...

You are funny. But I would expect you to prepare the pancakes and eggs. That would be your payment for room and board. Also you would need to pay a cash payment.