Friday, June 08, 2007

100 things

I am stealing this idea from Jenn Who stole the Idea from Liz.. Liz is a super cool trend setter. She knew about the Shins WAY before anyone else.

100. I hate tomatoes, More than anything else is the world, I just hate them. I think this comes from having to eat BLT's made in the summer in a hot house. GROSS. I get sick just looking at someone eating a tomato.

99. I like driving, Its a way to get away from the world, Just sit and drive and listen to some tunes or talk radio. I think a lot when I drive, its me time ... Jeff time.

98. When I am in the shower each morning I think about the stupid things I did in high school. I don't know why I do this but every freaking morning I think about something that I said or did that was stupid. Just the other day I was thinking about a time when I was listing to a CD player in a class and the music was so loud that everyone in the class knew that I had it and the teacher was giving a speech. How rude was I to sit there and listen to The Crow soundtrack.

97. I love guns. I miss shooting my guns. Being in New Jersey has been a real drag with the super nut gun laws. My dad told me the other night that he was down at our "ranch" shooting some of gods creatures and I was super sad that I couldn't join in the destruction.

96 I don't like country music. why? Because It sucks.

95 when I was a kid I thought that Jason from the Friday the 13 movies was going to come into
my bed room and kill me. I always had knives and sticks in my bed room to fight him off. Just in case he found his way to my house. Oh and Freddy lived in the bushes in my yard.

94. I want to eat a Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtle pie made by Hostess. These were the best treats ever. I e- mailed Hostess about these cream filled bits of heaven and they will, sadly never be made again.

93. I was in speech therapy when I was a kid. I guess I talked funny. I never liked going. But my dad always made it worthwhile with a trip to the DI and a king size Baby-Ruth.

92. I still have all my GI Joe's. Well my parents have them in a safe place for me ( under the house) I bought them and played with them up until high school. I would play with them right now if I had them.

91 I got into a fight in the 8 grade and got beat up in front of the whole school. Not a good day. I picked the fight and got a beat down. It was all over a miss under standing. I though the kid shot my dog, But it was the jerk next door that did it.

90 I had a big time crush with Lady Aberline from Mr Rodgers neighborhood. I don't know why I guess she was hot. ( I made a serious error by listing Lady Elaine Fairchild she was a crazy puppet and I never liked her much)

I could keep going but my wife is giving me weird looks.


Jennifer said...

I am laughing so hard right now! Aren't these lists fun?! Can't wait to read more!

Matsby said...

These are great.

I had totally forgotten about the Ninja Turtles Pies, but I can still almost taste it (now that I've been reminded).

{lizzythebotanist} said...

oh the shins. i need to get back into the music scene. i have been on a long hiatus listening only to mozart via baby einstein!

Jeff said...

I feel the same way. Wait till the little one see the wiggles. Its all over when that happens.