Sunday, June 10, 2007


89 Jenn posted about this but I know every line to every song in Grease 2 well at least the TV edit. My sisters loved this film and I was stuck watching it. I think my favorite song is Lets bowl lets bowl lets rock and roll.

88 I love to listen to my daughter sleep. She's a mouth breather like her dear old dad, and its just one of those things that I love.

89. My wife is the funniest person I know. I married a goof ball and I love her.

88. I watch too much TV. I am glad that its summer and nothing good is on.

87 I am a terrible speller but I got A's in collage English. Thanks mom.

86. I love video games. I have a Nintendo Wii and a PSP and a X box. I could play all day if I could get away with it.

85. I think that Brad Pitt is a sexy man. And I have no problem saying that.

84. I could sit and talk about movies all day. I know every movie that anyone has ever been in. Well at least from the 80's on. I can most likely tell you the year the film was made and who directed it and some fun fact about the film. I am a pit of useless information. If you ever need a question answered or a point proven give me a call. It happens all the time.

83. My In-laws are crazy, mostly in a good way. They can have more fun then any group of people I have ever met. But watch out if someone is mad about something. Like my dad would say. If I didn't have my wifes family I would have nothing to talk about.

82 . I think Sara Jessica Parker is an ugly potato face hag.

81 I cry. I think that I have some medical condition that when I see another person cry my eyes just loose all control.

80. In the summer I used to watch the golden girls as I played with my Lego toys. I think one summer I did this everyday. I was a weird kid, whats really weird is to watch that show today and see all the dirty old lady jokes and get them. Still not funny but as a kid I didn't understand half of what they were talking about.


Matsby said...

I'm with you on Sarah Jessica Parker. But it is ironic that you had a crush on Lady Elaine Fairchild, but now think SJP is ugly - because really they look a lot alike.

Jeff said...

I fixed my Error by correcting the names that I listed. Lady Aberline was hot, not fairchild