Saturday, June 23, 2007


55.I can't stand cooked fruit, I am not a huge fruit guy in the first place, but cooked fruit just freaks me out. I can't even look at apple pie. Once when I was on my mission we had a diner apt at a member’s home after dinner the wife of house offered my comp and I some pie. I asked what kind it was and she said Apple. Instead of politely saying no, i just shook my head no. I was such a rude elder, but there was no way I was going to eat it. Oh I do like the crisp part of apple crisp.

54. I think that the band Nickelback is the worst pile of soft rock crap in the history of music. It is also the worst thing to come out of Canada. If you like Nickelback you need help. GO BACK TO CANADA NICKEBACK YOU SUCK!

53. The worst movie that I have ever had the displeasure of seeing was the pile of garbage known as Unbreakable. I remember the trailers for this film thinking that it was going to be wonderful. I mean from the guy that made the 6th sense. How could it be bad? Well this 106 minuets of Crap was and still is the worst movie ever. I mean come on Nothing happen and Nothing happens so slowly it makes you want to die. And the ending Wow what a shocker. It was the black dude that did everything. WOW. Amazing. M Night is a one trick pony and hopefully will never make another film again.

52. I had a Horse of my Own her name was Sissy and I loved her. She died after having her for 2 weeks. Best horse my dad ever owned. Got a hunt out of her and didn’t have to feed her during the winter.

51. BEST CHRISTMAS GIFT EVER: 20 GAUGE SHOTGUN, it was great as I wasn’t expecting it at all.

50.WORST CHRISTMAS GIFT EVER : A hamper, yes they got me a hamper.

49. My mom can type faster then your mom.

48. When I got back from my mission I spent a lot of time looking for Mrs. Right. I dated a lot of different girls. The one thing that I learned about my self is that I wanted what I couldn’t have. Once I went on a date with a girl that I had talked to a few times but never met. Well it was an okay date. I met her parents and I knew people that they knew, We went to dinner and it was all okay. I wasn’t knocked off my feet or anything. Well at the end of the date as we were driving around she told me that she was still dating a guy, and that I was her date to get back at the guy. Now most sane people would be mad and kick her butt out of the car, But not me, at that point I wanted her more. She became cuter and more appealing. Crazy right ?
This girl that used me to get back at her boyfriend just became an obsession. It never went anywhere as I kind of said some stupid stuff to her but How weird was I ? The was a common trend in my dating life, I liked to chase, until I just got sick of dating and games and gave it up for 2 months then my wife showed up and it was all over

47 .I wanted to be Robin Hood when I was younger; my dad got me a bow and arrow set when I was very young. Not a bow and dart set, The real deal. We used to shoot our bows in the front yard. I got pretty good. I took a Archery class during the summer at E.G. King well at the end of a class we had a shooting contest and I won a Peter Piper pizza. Hot stuff. Just last summer we went to a min golf park area, they had a bow and arrow shooting rang and it all came back to me and I won another prize.

46. Favorite days of my life.

1 Getting married.

2 when Adi was born.

3 Getting home from my mission.

45. My dad is awesome. He’s a cowboy as I have said before. But he’s also a honest man. My dad always taught me right from wrong and to be funny and have fun. He taught me to hunt and fish. My dad taught me to never be scared of anyone. At one of my summer jobs I worked with an A hole and he thought it would be funny to call work ask for me and tell me that he was going to kill me. This freaked me out. I told my dad and he said "what gun do you want to carry around the 44 mag or the 357"?

44 . 44 was my favorite number when I was a kid. I liked the sound of it.

43. My dad is the toughest guy I know. He punched a horse once. We were hunting and I was on a horse that wasn’t cooperating so my dad leaned back on his horse and punched mine right in the face. Awesome. Don't mess with my dad.

42. My grandpa on my mothers side was named Glenn. He was very kind and loving. He owned a bike shop and sold schwin bikes. When I was little he would push in his thumb and the skin would defalte, then slowly fill back up again. I thought this was the coolist thing I had ever seen a old person do. His wife Edna was funny old gal. she died when I was young and I don't have many memories of her, But I do remember her swearing. And I will never forget the sound of her voice. She could have done voiceover work for cartoons.

41. I love to tickel my little girls tummy. I am doing that right now as she is sleeping next to me. If you tickel her softly enough she will be asleep in no time.

40. I can't sleep past 7:30. My eyes are always open at 7:30. I can roll over and get a few more winks in but not much. My wife and kid could sleep all day. On the weekend the time from 7:30 to 10:00 is Jeff time. I watch TV, play video games, write on the blog. But I get bored and want to play so I go wake the two up.


Anonymous said...

I'm with you on the cooked fruit. I've never been able to do it either.

Obviously you've never seen M. Night's "Lady in the Water" if you think "Unbreakable" was a pile of garbage. Although I thought Unbreakable sucked too, I have never in my life seen a movie as stupid as "Lady in the Water"...HANDS DOWN! It's almost worth watching just to see how bad a movie can be and still make it to theaters.

Jeff said...

I hear that its only fun to watch because its so bad.

who would bankro;; this guys next film?