Thursday, November 09, 2006

For fun

Oh and I thought that Lost was a complete Let down. Now we have to wait 13 weeks for another let down.


Anonymous said...

Good pictures. I have to disagree with you about Lost though, Brooke and I thought it was awesome. A good cliff hanger.

Jeff said...

13 weeks ty 13 WEEKS !!!!!! isnt that longer then the summer break ????

Anonymous said...

But we haven't had a re-run yet and we get the rest of the season without re-runs when it returns. Last season was plagued with re-runs almost every other week because they were behind on production. It is a long time to wait, but we can use our time productively, snowboarding!

Jeff said...

Here is what needs to be done with the tv world. No more 6 month seasons. we get 1 show a season. For example Lost would start in the fall and be done in Jan. Then another show would start for spring ( Grays) , another in the summer. No reruns and better quality in the show. The FX network does this.

Also we need to take a lession from the brits most of there show only last 2 to 3 seasons max. They tell the story then move on.

Brooke said...

I think the 13 weeks is brutal, but there's so much going on during the holiday season anyway, there's not much time for TV watching. I loved the last episode and I'm looking forward to the rest of the season. That's a fabulous idea about only having a show last 2 to 3 seasons. They seem to drag things out here way too long.