Wednesday, May 31, 2006

A little update

Well its been a while sense I really wrote a post. So I was thinking I would just give an update to everyone as to how were doing. Solar is still good the summer heat is here in Jersey so it will soon be the busy season. Addi is getting so big and smart she has a few words that she says. Dog is what she calls everything that moves. Ma ma is big these days. She has said Car and Hot a few times Duck and Da da are favorites as well. She is walking more now taking a few steps when she really wants something.

Juline is doing good she is enjoying her church calling and now that the pool is open is working on her tan. I keep myself busy with work but I have been playing my PSP a lot I picked up a game called field commander its a lot like playing GI joe so I LOVE it . Other then that not too much going on.

We are planning a trip back to Utah this summer were excited to get back there

1 comment:

Brooke said...

I am looking forward to your visit! When is it exactly? Glad to hear you're all doing great. Tell Juline she sucks at keeping in touch!