Wednesday, February 01, 2006

Getting back to Basics

Well, let's see. Jan. was a good month. I got a new church calling as well as my wife. I am going to be the new Sunday School pres. Pretty crazy for me to get a calling like this. I have taught classes before but nothing like this. Juline is the ward Compassionate Service Leader and I know that she will be a great service to the ward.

Work has been great. I haven't written much about my new job that I started last year. I am now working in New Jersey. I am a Sales Manager for BP Solar . For those that are not familiar with BP, they are the 2nd largest company in the world behind Wal-Mart. BP stands for British Petroleum. They bought out Amoco gas stations awhile back and are all over back east. Rather then seeing a Chevron station you would see a "BP" here in Jersey and New York. Well, BP is trying to change their image starting with the "BP. " They have changed it to "Beyond Petroleum." Awesome! Well, solar electricity is a huge division for them and I am selling their product.

What do I do, you ask? Well, BP and Home Depot teamed up to put solar in homes all around the country. If you were to walk into a Home Depot in Jersey and ask for solar, it's a good bet that I would come to your house and give you a quote. The draw of solar is that here in this state, New Jersey pays about 60% of the cost of solar for your home. And with BP panels, you can get rid of your complete electric bill. The system has a pay back in about 7 years and then you never pay a electric bill again ! Sounds awesome, right? Well, it is . And it seems that after the Pres's address last night, things for solar are only going to get better. Here is a 175 watt panel from BP.

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